Working end to end on an internal agent-based platform to help Nbn agents have a better and smoother experience in helping Telstra customers solve their WIFI and phone related issues.
My Contribution 100%
Project Overview
The current UX for NATAMA has received a significant amount of feedback, and it is hypothesised that the overall look and feel of NATAMA causes agents to use alternate diagnostic and troubleshooting tools. Hence it was required to improve end to end experience of Natama for agents to use it more.
The Problem
NBN agents dont use Natama that often, Natama has all the intelligence but the design is not user friendly at all.
Use of colours in the platform is not uniform and creates confusion to the agents.
What is the impact?
The current UX for NATAMA has received a significant amount of feedback, and it is hypothesised that the landing page causes agents to use alternate diagnostic and troubleshooting tools.
Why do it now?
We want to support staff to have the best available UX So that the customers can get the best possible support and provide intuitive and useful UX for the agents so that the agents are more likely to use the workflow and provide the best possible support to customers
Benefit Analysis
Today there is a workflow compliance of 69% with 97448 assurance INC being created in August 2022.
This capability aims to increase agent compliance within the following ranges:
● Conservative increase 79%, which would increase overall INC volume to 107,192
● Ambitious increase to 90% + which would increase overall INC volume to 117,912
Business Goals
● Reduce use of BAT and increase use of Natama
● Have more incidents registered in Natama.
Key Customer Message Hierarchy
Our primary message is: Make Natama easy for agents to understand.
Our secondary message is: Make Natama so easy & quick that agents are able to solve customer issues quickly.
Understanding the issues in Depth
I conducted various workshops to understand agents pain points. I tried to ask them what are their major frustrations , what they think needs attention in Natama and how can we make their life easier.
Critique On Current Design
Customer Journey to explore how Pre-check works in Natama
Critique on initial exploration
This was done to understand in depth what other designers think of the changes.
I also frequently discussed the changes with agents and stakeholders.
Design Currently Under Production
Service Overview Page
Cancelling Appointment
Next Steps
MVP1 is currently being built and more changes have been suggested as MVP2.
For MVP1 we had targeted the service overview card page and appointment tracker.
The major changes for MVP2 would be menu bar, having a detailed testing page with modem details/status/dropout rates and some changes in Notes would also be done.
Expected Result after implementation of changes
Increase in use by Agents
(Compared to before)
Faster Customer Resolution
(Compared to before)